
Authenticity Guarantee

We promise to provide you with the highest-quality authentic made-in-Italy merchandise at the best possible prices. At we want you to have a flawless and fun experience on our site.

We go to great lengths to insure the origin and authenticity of the items available to you on our online website. The following is a short explanation of the steps we take in order to provide you with 100% authentic merchandise at the best possible prices!

We import directly from Italy most of the products that are offered on this website.

We meet with all designers and manufacturers in Italy, in person when placing our advanced orders.

There are absolutely no middlemen between us and the Italian designers and original manufacturers of these high quality leather bags and the fashion jewellery that we offer.

When bags arrive in Australia from Italy, they must be cleared through Customs. All documents are checked again, Customs duties are assessed and paid by us.

Look for the made in Italy in every product description

Shop with confidence. Our products represent a proud tradition of Italian style and craftsmanship. We stand behind the authenticity of our merchandise. We guarantee the authenticity of all our products.

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